主题 : chanel デコ Brother, sister, brother, co- treatment of donor liver
级别: 永久禁言
UID: 75763
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威望: 1 点
金钱: 10 RMB
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注册时间: 2011-12-12
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楼主  发表于: 2011-12-15 19:58

0 chanel デコ Brother, sister, brother, co- treatment of donor liver

Zhongshan Hospital in southern China's 1st successful implementation of twin living-donor liver transplant surgery

brother suffered from caustic hepatitis,peg and impartial 21-year-old cousin sister giving birth every to donate chapter of their liver, the liver namely stretched fight! Doctors after 17 hours of surgery, and ultimately successful alive donor transplant double Brother regained consciousness from the brim of life, self-donor liver can be restored, brothers and sisters are safely discharged

Dangerous Love

breadwinner dying

informed,onward apt the hospital, patients who Mr. Wu in Shenzhen, a 34-year-old,is the countryside cadres,merely also the home economic and spiritual support His examination revealed a fever later woe from astute hepatitis,emulated by omens worsened, and later the 1st visit the hospital a few days in critical condition notice issued apt the family
five 月 16 from Zhongshan, Shenzhen, transferred apt hospital, Mr. Wu has been unconscious, the body and caustic jaundice. Transplant centre is responsible as admissions, associate professor of Wang Dongping quickly to Diagnosis: fulminant hepatic failure with hepatic encephalopathy. Doctors: > understand the situation, Mr. Wu's dad his wife, a decisive willingness to donate the liver. However, doctors found: Mr. Wu's left liver namely likewise small, right liver donation peril it is not applicable transplant donor, and Mr. Wu with his wife's liver tin never type,コーチ 保存袋,can not bribe Mr. Wu's sister and sibling afterward hearing the tribunal immediately rushed to Guangzhou from Shenzhen donor requirements.  
But health attention workers arise in front of afresh challenge: .  
sister postpartum along May

continual experts apt argue the last decision apt Mr. Wu for makes up a current furnish of a liver transplant receiver And between sibling and sister attach prefer blood type, same genes, they pieced attach reveal the liver, exclusion,fewer opportunities. Surgery programme way to forever home members accede namely moving namely one of the donor - Mr. Wu's sister, 30-year-old sibling Wu decided apt bribe while exactly the first five months postpartum. Doctors assessed namely Ms. Wu's body in line with surgical conditions, the approval of her liver.  
surgery hazard

value aboard doctors Elite knife million

Zhongshan Hospital whatever the premier in the country apt carry out liver transplantation, the cumulative numeral of cases of liver transplant more than 1,000 examples But are the single transplant. The 5 18 noon, three surgery centers in the hospital to carry out organ transplants, doctors surgery are always involved in the essence doctors.  
liver transplant is the most important guarantee for the life of the body, doctors surgery below the sword each to bring ... to an end the accurate calculation beforehand, otherwise, the donor and receiver hazard
free liver, isolated hepatic capillary anatomical hepatic duct, hepatic aisle portal capillary biliary tract surgery in one orderly manner ... .... First,remove the liver provided sister,sibling to the Church. Until five am namely daytime doctors successfully removed the donor's right liver sister and sibling splice for the body of the left liver. provided out of the liver, the doctors immediately with ice water  
Mr. Wu's sister apt cater the right liver 671 g,chanel cosme, accounting for 58.92% of her plenary liver.  
Mr. Wu's cousin offers left liver 335 g, 44.58% of the aboriginal liver.  
double-donor transplant the entire 17 hours

third surgery,グッチ バッグ カタログ University of poor students to raise tuition fruit ( Figu, a doctor immediately - twice alive donor transplantation. The doctor gradually donor liver implanted during in vivo Wu, liver blood containers piping complicated once the According apt reports, the plenary migration, flattening process, the doctor connected to the door to perfect artery hepatic duct, bile duct and other eleven major pipeline. When the surgeon and Professor Zhu Xiaofeng skillful Professor He Xiaoshun successfully transplanted into the donor patient, it is yet 10 am the afterward day the entire operation a utter for 17 hours.  

current liver into the patient woke up

It namely understood namely,as the thousandth solo liver transplant mortality,merely the maximum dangerous is the surgery complications happened after this opportunity up to 28%; while the  
three siblings into the surgical intensive attention element after surgery. It namely reported that surgical results are good younger sibling and sister duo ambition soon awake from anesthesia, exhaustion did never forget to ask her brother's situation. As of yesterday, signs were normal in patients with Wu, brothers and sisters have been unloaded the donor liver can regain aboard their own.  
home talking and smiling you can also walk apt the balcony ...  
Professor He Xiaoshun introduction: Postoperative complications within one month still to see also have serious ethical considerations,even now the relatives have offered to provide critical repeat organs. Mr. Wu's brothers and sisters namely forced by family pressure to donate liver hazard Zhongshan Hospital, said,chanel shoes,after a rigorous reiterate the Ethics Committee demonstrated, surgery in line with We learned that Wu namely not only the economic pillar of the home,or spiritual advocate their families to listen the organ apt be transplanted apt save lives and we are all quite fervent folk pushed and behind two donor staff, arrived from Shenzhen initiative Guangzhou,offered apt donate the liver, and to adopt testing.on the operating desk along the moment, doctor two donor staff,chanel 財布 2010 Seventy provincial model workers, willing apt donate the liver? they still make sure to answer in this case, the hospital resolved apt conduct operations. in a hospital, said.  

nipping hepatitis and lofty mortality

critical fulminant hepatitis is a special type of viral hepatitis,lofty mortality rate. According to the clinical manifestations of severe hepatitis,astute prevalent medicine tin be attributed apt yellow, yellow plague blood prove distention, coma and additional districts
caustic clinical hepatitis namely a solemn type of hepatitis,chanel ビューラー 74 -year-old playing and singing every subway tunnel in the wo, in fussy condition, more common in viral hepatitis,yet also occasionally in drug-induced hepatitis,noxious hepatitis and astute fatty liver of pregnancy. The occurrence of nipping hepatitis namely not lofty The clinical traits are rapid onset, clinical manifestations, dangerous and complicated immediately deepening jaundice, liver fast shortening more complications, such as the liver smelly, bleeding,chanel デコ, hepatic encephalopathy,chanel コフレ,mental edema, hepatorenal syndrome,high mortality .
级别: 至尊会员
UID: 58889
精华: 0
发帖: 1047
威望: 151 点
金钱: 10775 RMB
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 31 点
在线时间: 102620(时)
注册时间: 2011-04-29
最后登录: 2021-08-23
沙发  发表于: 2011-12-16 07:34

Re:chanel デコ Brother, sister, brother, co- treatment of donor li ..

级别: 至尊会员
UID: 71400
精华: 0
发帖: 1009
威望: 170 点
金钱: 10350 RMB
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 39 点
在线时间: 41692(时)
注册时间: 2011-11-07
最后登录: 2024-07-02
板凳  发表于: 2011-12-17 13:34

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 龙行天下风水论坛 » ≌≌择日择吉≌≌ » chanel デコ Brother, sister, brother, co- treatment of donor liver